About Me

Bestrizal Besta

Born in 1973, Padang, Indonesia
Living and working in Yogyakarta

I am an Indonesian artist working mainly with paintings. My works revolve around the themes of humanity, science and art. My photo-realist approach is grounded in photography where I constructs scenarios that are then processed as digital images, later manipulated and embellished with elements that enable me to further present a moral and personal message.

My works display a mastery of charcoal as a medium, used in a remarkable scale on canvas, with a symbolic, haunting, joyful, mysterious subject matter that can lead to many discoveries. In some of my paintings, I use splashes of colour coming from flora and fauna. This is an applied metaphor in which I address our contrasting relationship with nature. We are all different, and with our differences, we co-exist interdependently in equilibrium.

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